Etsy – Google Search

Similar to Etsy Search, there are a variety of factors that determine your visibility on Google. Let’s look at these factors in more detail!

Google Search, factors explained

Note: The way Google ranks their search changes regularly, based on how they think they can best show results to their visitors. The information shared here are current best practices from Etsy.

Google search engine optimization is similar to Etsy with just a few other factors to keep in mind.

Tags and Titles – Similar to how search works on Etsy, Google’s search algorithm will also scan a listing’s titles and tags for matches to determine whether or not it is relevant to the query. Additionally, I’ve noticed that supplies have made a difference as well. Etsy doesn’t say that supplies factor in but when I’ve done my own research, items would display in search pulled from supplies used. Example: Deco Mesh

Attributes & Categories – When a Google search is conducted, the attributes and categories you’ve added to your listings can also be scanned by the algorithm for keyword matches.

Listing Descriptions – Unlike Etsy search, Google’s search ranking process will review a listing’s description. So you’ll want to use the most important keywords from your listing’s title here. This will help Google see your listing as even more relevant to those words or phrases.

Be careful not to “keyword” dump here: Keep the content here engaging and original, or else Google may view your page as “spammy”. If that’s the case, this can negatively impact your visibility in Google Search. See the example below the Etsy shop name? It’s a sentence and not her title.

Shop Sections – In addition to assisting customers with navigating your shop, Shop Sections can help with your Google search engine optimization. Use descriptive words for section titles rather than ambiguous phrases.

Note: Sometimes sellers get clever here which is fun from a brand perspective, but this area of your shop can actually help with your visibility on Google so it’s best to take advantage of this spot. For example, “home wares” will be indexed by search engines more effectively than “for your nest.”

Backlinks – When other websites link to your shop or listing, it can boost your page’s “reputation” and lead to a positive impact on your search ranking. Known as backlinks, links from other websites are highly influential in Google’s ranking algorithm.

With this in mind, consider reaching out to relevant blogs or influential social media pages for a feature. If they end up sharing a link your shop or listing, this backlinking can improve your search ranking on Google.

Product Photography – Again, the product photography is so important! It is also reviewed by Google’s search system so be sure to use high-quality images. Be sure to avoid cluttered backgrounds and watermarks.

Google Search Pro Tips

Don’t use words or phrases that are irrelevant to your item.

  • This seems pretty obvious, but some shops sticking to more vague or general keywords. The goal is to get in front of the right buyers – those who are already searching for an item like yours and most likely to purchase (which will in turn help with ranking), so it’s better to be descriptive and specific.

Strong keywords in your titles and tags.

  • Using really specific keywords that describe what’s unique about your product can help you reach those who are looking for exactly what you’re offering.
  • For your title, Etsy gives you 140 characters, but you certainly don’t need to use them all. This is especially true if you are thinking about visibility on Google.
    • Google tends to prefer a more concise, readable title. With that in mind, Etsy thinks it’s about finding balance. Etys typically suggest coming up with a few super relevant phrases. This will keep your titles short and readable, which is also just good for conversions. Remember, anything else relevant can go in your tags.

Front-load listing descriptions with important keywords.

  • Be sure to keep it human, digestible, and informative. Do not just dump a block of keywords in here. Google may view this as spam which can push you down in the ranks.

With Shop Sections, keep them legible and specific.

  • For example, “door wreaths” vs “w.r.e.a.t.h.s”

Put your best image forward.

  • Google tends to view overcrowded images or pictures with watermarks as spammy.
  • The first image should be on a white or neutral background

Don’t buy links.

  • While having links redirect to a listing’s page can establish credibility, don’t buy links. There are some less-than-reputable sites that allow you to purchase links to your site in the hopes of boosting your site’s ranking, but Google knows when traffic isn’t coming from a quality site. You could be penalized for trying to artificially manipulate your ranking.
  • Links from Pinterest and your website are great


1 Comment

  1. ladiesparadise on November 25, 2019 at 10:05 am

    Thank You Julie, as always great advice.

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