August 2016- Facebook Pages 1.0

Facebook Pages TRAINING #1 Create Page/Personal Profile


Facebook Pages TRAINING #2 Posting Ideas/Tips


Facebook Pages TRAINING #3 Etsy/IG/Pinterest


Facebook Pages Q & A


Facebook Pages How to Schedule a Post


Facebook Business Page Guidelines
Link to Create a Facebook Page
Video on how to use Canva

Facebook Page Image Sizes
Cover Image 828 x 315px (PC) and 828 x 426 (mobile)
Profile Image 180 x 180 px
Post image size 940×788 (when making photo post, use this image size for optimization)

Link to set a Facebook Page Username or Vanity URL –
Integrate Your Etsy Shop –
Integrate Your Instagram Feed –
Integrate Your Pinterest Feed –
Hire cheap help creating inspirational quote images –
National Calendar –

Trending Topics
Trending topics are good to include on your Facebook Page. It might help you to get noticed. Only share topics that are relevant to your fans. On mobile device click in the search bar and it automatically displays. On PC type a word in the search bar and you see a page like this…you can see on the right hand side current trending topics as well as click on photos or videos for the keyword you enter.

Tripod I recommend when doing LIVE videos:

Some of the popular Facebook Pages I follow:

Some popular engaging fill in the blank questions to ask:
You know you are a [INSERT YOUR SKILL] on November 24 when ___________.
If I only one food to eat for the rest of my life it would be ____________.
The most unusual place I’ve seen [INSERT YOUR PRODUCT] was ____________________.
If I had the chance to do anything I wanted, regardless of money, I would ________________.
The first [YOUR BRAND] product I ever bought was __________.
[YOUR BRAND] has changed the way I __________.
The first word that pops into my head when I think if [YOUR BRAND] is __________.
The one word that best describes my workday today is ___________.
If I had to place a LIKE button on my body somewhere, I’d put it on my __________.
Important Notes captured from inside the Private Facebook Group this month.
Weekend TIP: On the weekends, usually Saturday but sometimes Sunday night I schedule out all of my inspirational quotes, my email opt ins, random questions and a few old blog post. So before the week even starts, I already have a good amount ready for the week. I then can add to it daily but if for some reason I get slammed and forget to post an update, my schedule is there and my Page is still active.
Because Facebook algorithms limit what is viewed in your fans’ newsfeed, you can ask them to set your page as a priority by posting a video on your FB Business Page and then emailing your video link to your email lists.
For example, in this video
(<ahref=””> I used the Atom Draw app to draw pink circles on screen shots I took from my iPhone. I uploaded to iMovie to make a video and add audio/voice over. All done on my iPhone and then uploaded to my Page. Once people make my Page a priority, I should get more views per post. Let’s see if it works. If you don’t have an iphone or you can’t seem to figure it out, just add photos with instructions in the form of a slideshow.
If what you see is different on your Facebook Page’s About section, it is because you have your page set to a different Category.
Remember to include a spouse, family member or close friend as an admin on your Facebook Page in case of an emergency or if for some reason Facebook locks you out of your Page, you can still access it.

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