Informational Products







ALWAYS SHARE VIRAL CONTENT FROM A PAGE THAT IS LARGER THAN YOUR PAGE…in order to ride their coat tails for FB juice. TIP – go to the magazine websites and search “spring, Mother’s Day or Summer” there are tons of articles you can share on FB and get ideas from.

OTHER SOCIAL MEDIA – If you’re on other social media such as Instagram or Pinterest, don’t forget to post there on a daily basis.

GOALS – REVIEW YOUR GOALS you set in January with our January training RIGHT NOW in order to stay focused!! If you haven’t set your 2017 goals yet, do so ASAP. I promise, this does work

BOOKKEEPING – Keep up with receipts and orders. Tally the month’s income and expenses for last month. Report Sales Tax or keep track if pay quarterly or yearly. I’ve you missed the month on accounting, and are interested in purchasing, please email me. This will be a month of gearing up for all things Mother’s Day & Summer!!

Get your Workbook.

What to include on a sales page.

Sample sales page outline.


  1. Jenny Hernandez on April 7, 2022 at 5:07 am

    Hi Julie! it seems the sales page outline and workbook are not available any more! is it available any where else on your pages did you remove it or revise it ?

    • Taylor Tompkins on April 20, 2022 at 5:56 pm

      Hey Jenny – We have updated the link with the correct files. You should be able to download them now. Thanks!

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