[WOTMC] May 2020 Q&A
[WOTMC] Divided Grapevine Flamingo Wreath
[WOTMC] Summer Flip Flop Grapevine Wreath
[WOTMC] How to Box an Arrangement for Shipping
[WOTMC] Summer Popsicle Wreath
[WOTMC] God Bless America Wreath
[WOTMC] Silk Flower Watermelon Wreath
[WOTMC] Featured Rustic Peony Arrangment
The inspiration for this peony floral arrangement was the beautiful color in the yarrow. I love designing home decor but when you make items for inside the home, you have to be careful not to use a color that is harsh or too bright. The coloring in the yarrow is amazing and paired with the…
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