The 1st Thing to Do Before Starting a Handmade Business

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If you’re looking to transform your passion for crafting into a profitable business, there’s a question I want you to deeply consider before starting a handmade business – what is your why?

the first thing to do before starting a handmade business square pin - ask what is your why?

When I first started my business 15 years ago, there was so much to learn about the business side of the crafting world.  I had all of this information coming at me; it was like drinking from a water hose. Way. Too. Much. 

If you’re feeling overwhelmed about starting your new business or making the transition from hobby to career, you’re not alone. And I’m here to help with the very first step.

Let’s explore how you can develop your “why” and how you can use it to propel your business and your spirit. 

“What is your why?” should dig deeper

When you start a new business, you likely have money on your mind. But I’m here to remind you that money only gets you so far. 

If you want to run a successful, sustainable business, money cannot be the only motivating factor. 

I challenge you to find a deeper, more meaningful “why,” something that will light a fire under you and make you excited to go to work every day. 

Begin with “why,” then keep asking it until you’ve reached the core of your purpose. 

If you can’t come up with a “why” that isn’t solely about the money, you need to ask yourself whether this business is the right choice for you. 

Your “why” should make you cry

I’ve always said, “Your why should make you cry.” In other words, it should be so meaningful that it makes you emotional.

Some examples include:

  • Donating profits to a charity you love
  • Inspiring others with beautiful art
  • Educating others on how to create
  • Enjoying the therapeutic act of creating
  • Creative expression
  • Building community with fellow crafters
  • Storytelling through your art
  • Building confidence in your capabilities and others
  • Helping others succeed

Your “why” will keep you motivated

Answering, “What is your why?” will be your number one motivator in times of adversity. 

There will always be some kind of struggle, whether it be a lost shipment or a bad review. But your “why” will keep you focused through the negativity. 

Your “why” will bring abundance

Many beginning business owners struggle with feeling worthy of the sale. But this mindset will force you to fail before you even start.

Instead, use your “why” to take on an abundance mindset. You have enough time and skill to make this happen. You and your purpose are worthy. 

Remember, courage comes from doing. You may be procrastinating on the one thing that can change your entire life and business. 

Your “why” will change everything 

When you discover your answer to “What is your why?” everything will start to fall into place. 

You’ll start to get signs from people, podcasts, and books; it’ll feel like they’re speaking directly at you! This is what happens when you start walking with your purpose. 

Your “why” will speak directly to every aspect of your business, including marketing, where you’ll sell, trends, and price points.

So, before starting a business, I encourage you to develop your “why” and let it guide you as you continue to grow your business.

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1 Comment

  1. Denise Murphy on March 14, 2025 at 2:32 pm

    Research, research research all aspects of your business. Learn from tutorials such as Southern Charm wreaths, color choices, greenery placement , where to buy and most importantly how to buy quality materials. So much to offer! I struggled to learn the ropes with Etsy and learned the hard way how to navigate. I wasted precious time when I only needed to sign up for Julie’s business coaching. Although my wreath making company is fairly new and only me, I love every minute of my work in my new chapter of retirement. This is indeed God led. I was doing container gardens and seasonal wreaths for a dear friend’s music venue in Decatur, Ga. Both he and his patrons encouraged me to sell my wreaths. I went through the typical fear of Who am I to do this and finally opened my Etsy shop. This is a whole new world for me and I finally followed my gut and my God to take the plunge.

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