Patriotic Funky Bow Wreath

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Discover how to make a patriotic funky bow wreath, perfect for your July 4th festivities with Coach Laurie Anne! Deco mesh and brightly patterned ribbon make this 4th of July wreath a festive delight. 

red, white and blue patriotic funky bow wreath design

Funky bow 4th of July wreath

Today’s project is a simple funky bow wreath, just in time for Memorial Day. 

This design is one of our tried-and-true formulas, created with 4 bows, bright blue deco mesh, and patriotic star picks. 

It’s also a great design for using up extra materials, like a spare ribbon at the end of its bolt. 

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If you enjoy this and want to learn more on how to get started with wreath making, try my Wreath Making 101 Workshop!

Supplies for this project

You’ll need: 

  • 16” grapevine wreath
  • Red spray paint
  • Patriotic ribbon (10 varieties) 
  • Patriotic glitter picks (optional)
  • Blue deco mesh (optional)
  • Patriotic star ornament (optional)
  • Scissors
  • White florist wire
  • Hot glue 
  • U pins 

How to make a patriotic funky bow wreath

1. Paint your base

First up, spray paint your grapevine wreath with red, glossy spray paint. Allow it to dry completely before moving on.

2. Create your first 4th of July bow design

For your first bow design, pick out 4 coordinating patriotic ribbons (two 2 ½” and three 1 ½”).

Measure an 8” tail of your first ribbon, pinch, and pleat. Then, measure 12” for a 6” loop, pinch, pleat, and twist. Trim an 8” streamer. 

Repeat these steps for your second, third, fourth, and fifth ribbons, working on top of this base. 

Ensure all tails are turned correctly behind the loops before wrapping a piece of white florist wire around the middle of the bow. 

Fluff everything to your liking then pull tightly to secure. Then, dovetail the ribbon ends.

Repeat for a total of two funky bows in this design.

3. Tie your second 4th of July bow design

Repeat the steps above for your second bow design, using 5 different coordinating ribbon patterns. 

You’ll want two bows in this design scheme as well. 

4. Add optional deco mesh

Pull your deco mesh up to chin length (about 18”-20”) and trim. Cut 5 pieces in total. 

Take your first piece, turn the ends over twice towards each other, and pinch the center. Wrap the center with florist wire and add to your wreath at the 12 o’clock position. 

5. Integrate bows

Work counter-clockwise, putting your first bow right beside the deco mesh and attaching it with florist wire. 

Then, add another piece of deco mesh, and a second bow below that. Make sure to alternate the bow designs. 

Continue working around the wreath in a crescent shape, alternating deco mesh with bows. 

6. Finishing touches on your patriotic funky bow wreath

Trim ribbon tails when necessary to keep the shape of your wreath. 

You can also add patriotic star picks throughout this base, hot gluing evenly throughout. 

Finally, you can add an optional patriotic star ornament, using a U pin, hot glue, and florist wire. 

Attach this ornament to the bottom of your wreath just beside the final piece of deco mesh for a final patriotic touch!

Watch the video: How to make a patriotic funky bow wreath

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