How to Trick Your Husband Into Thinking You Spend Less on Crafts
First, let me say I’m not in any way condoning you lie to your husband! This is meant as a fun post, as a follow-up to the question I asked on my Facebook page, list your top ways to trick your husband into thinking you spend less on crafts
How to Trick Your Husband Into Thinking You Spend Less on Crafts

- Pay cash for items – I save up money and pay cash for all my supplies. He has no idea.
- If your hubs is not the cleaning type, store your craft stash in places like the laundry room or where you keep the cleaning supplies since he won’t go in there often.
- Make your craft runs during the football game or when he’s golfing.
- Tell him to go buy a new golf club, fishing, hunting, bowling, etc. He’s so focused on picking that out, that he pays no attention to the world around him.
- Tell him you purchased it last season.
- Always lead with how much I “saved”!
- Since he usually isn’t with you when shopping, use as many coupons as you can find and buy as much sale items as possible.
- Find a man with a more expensive hobby than you! “Mine hunts… I craft… we have no secrets!”
- Remind him your craft stash costs less than all the tools he buys. “How many screwdrivers do you really need?”
So be honest – do you have any tricks up your sleeve to fudge a little bit about how much you spend on crafts? Let me know in the comments. I thought it was interesting no one brought up shopping online! Of course if the packages arrive when your husband is home, that doesn’t work well. 😉
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Happy Wreathing,
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Lol, I love the last one. My husband is a carpenter and is very anal about his tools. Which is good, I guess. He takes good care of them and they last a long time. If there is a sale he has to buys it even if he has 4 of the same thing that is sparkly and brand new hanging on the peg board. I just don’t get it, but he doesn’t get that I need 10 different red ribbons in different prints, widths and fabric types. I don’t lie to him, haha I just don’t tell him everything. 🙂
I love all your suggestions.
We both work. Our bills are divided based on income (60/40 down the line, except groceries since he’s a big eater and I’m a little bird). Thankfully, we are on the same page as far as debt (student loans! Oh, Heaven help me!), and financial goals and we follow the wisdom of the great designer William Morris, who said, ““If you want a golden rule that will fit everything, this is it: Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful.” So as long as the bills are made and monthly goals are met, we can do what we please with what’s left. He does shake his head when I come home with more ribbon … but it follows the ‘beautiful’ and ‘useful’ rule!
I do a lot of craft supply shopping during the holidays because everyone knows to not ask me “what is in that box?” 🙂