Beginner Wreath Maker
What is a glue pan? Today I’m writing to let you know exactly why a glue gun doesn’t cut it for me anymore. If you’re thinking about getting an electric skillet glue pan for your silk flower making, keep reading and I’ll cover what to look for, what temperature it should be, and even how…
A week doesn’t go by that I don’t receive a question about my Steelpix machine! A floral pick machine can be a huge help to you in your wreath making business or hobby. This post contains some affiliate links for your convenience. Click here to read my full disclosure policy.
Did you know you’re supposed to clean the dead leaves out of your grapevine wreath bast before you start decorating it? If not, don’t feel bad. I’ve run across plenty of experienced wreath makers who’ve never heard of doing this before. But this is one of the quickest tips I can give you to seriously…
Alright y’all, I’m back again with another quick Tip Tuesday video for you. This one’s geared toward the beginner wreath makers out there, but it’s one that hardly ever gets addressed in wreath making tutorials: the correct way to insert flower stems into your grapevine wreath. Learning how to do this correctly cut my wreath…
For today’s Tip Tuesday video, we’re talking all about florist wire gauge! If you’re new to wreathmaking, it can definitely be overwhelming to decide what kind of wire you should be using. There are different types of wire for different situations and most of them also come in different gauges. So stick around and I’ll…
It’s time for another Craft Tip Tuesday video! Today I’m going to show you how to make a quick filler for when you’ve got a gap in your wreath that’s not quite big enough for more flowers or ornaments. It’s simple ribbon streamers! (And did I mention it’s the most inexpensive kind of filler?) This…
Today in the wreath shop, I’m answering one of the most common questions I get from new wreath makers: “How do I make a wreath hanger for my wreath?” Keep reading or watch the video below and I’ll teach you how to make a hanger for a grapevine wreath and how to make a hanger…
For many beginner wreath makers, making a bow is one of the hardest new skills to tackle. I’m sure part of it is because we over criticize our own work, but I think a big part is that there’s just so many ways to do it and so many variables to think about when you’re…
Create a Christmas wreath bow in no time with this easy hack! Bows are so easy to make once you learn a few shortcuts. This hack will show you how to tie a ribbon that has a pattern. I’ll even share how to make a ribbon that keeps the direction of the pattern going the…