How To Price Wreaths To Sell for Profit

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One question we get asked a lot is how to price wreaths to sell?  So in this post, get your calculator out and let me explain how to price your wreaths for profit! This post may contain affiliate links for your convenience. Click here to read my full disclosure policy.

How to price wreaths for selling.

There are many different ways to calculate the retail price of your handmade products. The example below is just one way and one I’ve been using for over 10 years to price my own wreaths to sell in my Etsy shop.

How to Price Wreaths to Sell for Profit

Step 1. Total Your Cost

The first step to pricing your wreaths to sell is to add up the costs of the supplies you’ve added to make your wreath. Count everything.  And when I mean everything, I mean everything!! So don’t forget the glue, wire, pipe cleaners, wooden or steel picks, ribbon, etc.

Did you add it all up?? Great! For this example, let’s say you spent $30 on supplies to make your wreath.

Step 2. Double  the Cost

Take the cost and double it. So in this example, we would take our $30 and multiply it times 2.

So now our new number is $60. 

Note: If you have a large customer base and have a hard time keeping up with orders because they’re selling so dang fast, then instead of using 2 in this step, use 2.5 or 3.  Why? Because more demand equals higher prices.

Step 3. Add Labor

This is a step most wreath makers forget! They forget to pay themselves. They forget that the time they take away from their family in order to grow their wreath business deserves to be paid.

The labor can either be a percentage or a flat rate. A normal percentage range for labor is 20-25%.  Also,  you can use a flat daily rate. For example, if using a flat daily rate of say $100 per day and you make 8 wreaths in a day, that’s $12.5 per wreath.  So using our example we take our $60 from step 2 and multiply it by 20% (60 * .20 = $12). 

So now our new number is $72.

Step 4. Other Expenses

If you’re running a business, you should price as a business. This means every product you sell should cover the costs of doing business overall, not just to pay for the one wreath you’re pricing. Some other expenses could include a website, gas to travel back and forth for supplies, shipping, Etsy fees, etc.  After you’ve been in business longer, you’ll get a better sense of what your expenses are over a year. Take that number and divide it by the number of wreaths you expect to sell. 

Example, Let’s say we have Etsy fees of a $0.20 listing fee and selling fee of 5%. If we add this to our $72 we now have $75.80 (72 * .05 + .20 +72).

So now our new number is $75.80.

Step. 5 Shipping Supplies

If you’re shipping the wreath, you’ll want to include the price of the box, packing tape and paper to print the invoice. I get most of my boxes for around $1 per box and tape $2.70 per roll so we’ll say $2 for shipping supplies.

So now our final number is $77.80

In conclusion, a $30 wreath to make should be priced at a minimum of $77 retail giving you a paycheck of $12 to add to the family checkbook and a profit of $35.8 to invest back into your business. Sweet!

Step 6. Don’t Price Based on Emotions

I know what you might be thinking; I would never pay that much for a wreath! But listen, my friend, you don’t price your goods based off of what YOU can afford, you price them based off a formula like the one above. Take your emotions out of the equation and don’t overthink it.

Other things to consider when pricing your wreaths to sell for profit:

If you’re selling at a craft show and you don’t think you can get $77 for a wreath, then consider selling other places where you know customers will spend that much. I hate seeing $150 wreaths being sold for $50 at craft shows.  How will you ever grow and expand your business by not pricing your worth? Etsy is a great place to start selling and buyers are willing to pay more for quality, handmade items than some of the small town craft shows.

And what about the supplies you’re able to buy on sale? Should you use the sale price or full price when calculating your cost? The answer is to always use the full price because you may need to make more and the sale price doesn’t last forever and you’ll have to pay the full price eventually, which will cause you to lose profit.

Another tip I teach my inner circle members is to save time, and therefore money, by batch processing your wreath production. For example, instead of making one wreath from start to finish, taking the photos and then listing the item on Etsy, use one day to make 10 wreath bases, another day to add signs and ribbons to the bases, another day to add flowers, another day to take photos and another day to list on Etsy. Believe it or not, you can get more done when you batch process your work.

I hope you found this useful. Remember there is not just one way to price your wreaths for sell. And if you don’t like my formula, try coming up with your own but the key is to stick to your guns and everything gets priced the same no matter if you used $20 in supplies or $50.

What questions do you have regarding pricing wreaths to sell? Comment below and ask.

Happy Wreathing,


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10 Mistakes Etsy Sellers Make | Etsy Tips for Beginners

How to Quickly Make Your Etsy Shop Photos Stand Out

Wreath Making & How to Choose Colors


  1. Susan. Barringham on May 30, 2019 at 3:49 pm

    Very helpful. Thank you.

    • Judy on June 8, 2019 at 12:14 am

      Great advice I could never figure out what to charge thanks

    • Keree on July 3, 2019 at 1:19 pm

      Thanks Julie
      Very helpful information.

    • Candis Wood on November 15, 2019 at 4:31 pm

      Do you buy your shipping boxes in bulk? Where do you get your boxes.

      • Julie Siomacco on November 18, 2019 at 10:54 am

        Yes, I purchase locally from a manufacturer here in the area and they deliver when I purchase in bulk.

        • Kathy Flores on January 10, 2020 at 5:39 pm

          Hi Julie, do you sell the swags that you make? I’m interested in the yellow sunflower swag you made for the black 18 inch lantern. Please let me know & if so how much? Thank you!

          • Julie Siomacco on January 16, 2020 at 12:27 pm

            I do but that one is sold out.

      • Cora Clemons on February 22, 2020 at 9:35 am

        Great information it helped to know,Thanks!

    • Dee lango on January 5, 2020 at 6:52 pm

      Where do I start with suppliers for packaging (boxing) wreaths?

      • Lori Gillis on March 2, 2020 at 11:07 am

        Where do you get boxes for 1.00 each?

        • Julie Siomacco on March 3, 2020 at 12:16 pm

          Try Walmart and Walmart online. I purchase locally direct from a manufacturer.

  2. Anita Cheek on May 31, 2019 at 9:14 am

    Good Morning Julie, how do you keep track of how many picks you use or how much glue.

    • Julie Siomacco on June 1, 2019 at 10:41 am

      Write it down.

      • Crystal Jackson on October 10, 2019 at 8:50 pm

        Hi Julie,
        I love your work and all the great advice. Where can I purchase shipping boxes at a reasonable price. Thanks Crystal

        • Julie Siomacco on October 14, 2019 at 7:36 am


          • Amber Fletcher on October 23, 2019 at 3:49 pm

            I’m just starting out and have only been selling by word of mouth and custom orders. I am not on Etsy and do not have a website yet. I’ve had request for shipping from people who are not local, but haven’t because of the price to ship. I’m trying to “pay my dues” and build my brand and haven’t been charging near of the costs I see other items on Etsy listed at. Where is the best place to buy supplies? Local craft stores, any wholesale markets you can share?

    • Jacqueline Pitts on July 4, 2019 at 1:14 am

      Thanks for the information. I’ve struggled with what ti pay myself and i do like the idea of batch processing as i gave done that on occassion. May i ask where you purchase your boxes? I assume you are nuyong them in bulk as well which i know can make a difference. I have made and sold to friends, but i’ve debated openi
      ng an etsty store. Thanks again

      • Kim Keller on July 10, 2019 at 2:50 pm

        At present time, I’m basically selling at craft fairs, so I make $60 wreaths., and up. Never price over $100, that’s my “show stopper”. You always share/give awesome advice, thank you so very much. Looking forward to eventually selling online, have to get over my fear of technology. I did find your tips very helpful, please continue.

    • Joyce on September 16, 2019 at 1:40 pm

      Ms. Julie I have been dabbling in wreath making since 2010 and searching for a wreath community to follow for quiet a while. I often get discouraged when it comes to the social media side and getting my wreaths out there to sell. If I dont get any likes I think my work doesn’t look good and ask myself, whatttttttt are you doing!
      I would like to join your club with the hopes of getting insight to what I may be doing wrong or what I can do to enhance sells also suppliers that is another issue. I have sold all I can to co- workers friends and family i want to branch out. I really want to work for myself. I’m pretty creative I just want to master my skills.

      • Julie Siomacco on September 16, 2019 at 3:40 pm

        It’s not your skill! It’s because social media only shows your posts to a very small fraction of people who follow you. I would love to work with you in my business group. Do you have an Etsy shop? People need to have a place to checkout online and give you money. I would start there first before social media.

        • Elizabeth on October 8, 2019 at 3:48 pm

          Julie, You always have great tips!

  3. Mary Tanzer on May 31, 2019 at 8:11 pm

    That’s a great price for boxes, I suppose you get them wholesale. Would you be willing to share your supplier and dimensions? I don’t sell on Etsy and only make them for family and sell to someone acquaintances but have not found a good source for boxes to ship them.

    By the way you’re wreaths are beautiful. I made one similar to a Mardi Gras Wreath is saw you made in burgundy and had to try to make it. It’s my favorite.

    Best wishes on your continued success.

    • Julie Siomacco on June 1, 2019 at 10:40 am

      I purchase them retail at a local place.

      • Laurie Delorme on June 12, 2019 at 5:40 pm

        I paid 15oo last week for a box! What kind of place do I go to in my area??

        • Julie Siomacco on June 13, 2019 at 8:22 am

          If you can’t find local, try or

          • Michelle on August 30, 2019 at 10:05 am

            I like the Batch processing idea!! Definitely gonna start that! Thanks Julie!!

        • Gloria on September 2, 2019 at 8:44 pm

          What if you have 20 on eBay (and new to the business) and priced say 50-55.00 but based on just supply sale prices x 2? Is the field so wide few would notice the increase unless they’re “watching”? And some, being new, may not be as fully filled as even newer ones? Happened upon article! Thank you!

          • Julie Siomacco on September 12, 2019 at 10:54 am

            You can increase prices on a few at a time but use new pricing with new listings.

          • Janna on January 5, 2020 at 7:48 pm

            Now that everyone is selling on Etsy with free shipping due to the recent Etsy changes, how do you figure shipping before you ship or even list something for sale? Do you have an easy way of figuring out what that is beforehand? Or do you take each box to the shipper with the furthest possible shipping address and add that onto the price?

          • Julie Siomacco on January 6, 2020 at 9:56 pm

            Most wreath makers are not using free shipping. It just doesn’t make sense marketing wise to have an item be so expensive. Use a flat rate shipping where the buyer pays half in the price of the wreath and the other half in the shipping part of the transaction.

        • Pam Hall on February 11, 2020 at 2:22 pm


          Try a Heating and AC business. They those square filters in bulk and have boxes left over that they would be happy to get rid of. That’s what I did and I get mine for free!

  4. Melissa Mashburn on May 31, 2019 at 9:13 pm

    Thank you so much for this information. I feel that I always under pay myself. I recently started making wreaths to sell and in my area people do not always see the value. Been considering going with Etsy to broaden customer base, I really enjoy all of the useful information you provide. It has helped me greatly. Thank you so much for sharing.

  5. Marjorie on June 1, 2019 at 10:10 am

    Thanks for your help . I found this very helpful. There were things that I forgot about that should also be priced and included in my price for selling ! This was very helpful !

  6. Patty Lou on June 1, 2019 at 9:14 pm

    When selling on Etsy or at craft shows, is a vendor ID required and is the seller required to report all sales for income taxes? Wondering how the process works.
    OR, is there a ceiling limit of profit to reach before having to worry about reporting on your annual income taxes?
    If selling on line wreaths or other crafty items I make , do I have to include my local tax rate?
    Hopefully this is simple!

    • Julie Siomacco on June 3, 2019 at 12:50 pm

      Vendor ID not needed for Etsy and check with your state’s dept. of revenue regarding craft shows. Each state is different. You only collect sales tax if you have a resell license from your state.

      • Veige Williams on June 18, 2019 at 10:00 pm

        You need to check your answer on the collecting sales tax. If you sell in another state you are responsible for forwarding the tax for that state.

        • Julie Siomacco on June 25, 2019 at 4:47 pm

          No, that’s the buyer’s responsibility to report and pay.

    • MaryAnn Leshick on July 4, 2019 at 5:36 am

      Once again Julie your advice is extremely helpful. Thank you

  7. Theresa Zucha on June 4, 2019 at 2:30 pm

    Julie, thank you for sharing all of your wealth of information! It is greatly appreciated and so helpful.

    • Pauline Wilkinson on July 3, 2019 at 2:19 pm

      Very helpful, really relevant advice. Thank you so much for sharing your invaluable experience. Congratulations on your success xx

  8. Frances Rushing on June 5, 2019 at 6:39 pm

    Thank you so so much for all of your great information.?
    My husband and I will start selling at a craft show this July. I need to backtrack and redo my prices.

  9. Donna Croce on June 9, 2019 at 7:00 am

    Thank you for all of the valuable information.
    I don’t make a lot of wreaths but I do sell my sewing, knitting and HTV items on Etsy.

    I really needed your pricing formula because with all of the competition on Etsy I constantly feel that I need to under price in order to get sales. I know that my work is worth the extra pricing and now I will feel confident selling at what my products are worth.

  10. Trina Snyder on June 18, 2019 at 5:25 pm

    Thanks for sharing your formula, that’s very helpful

  11. Barbara Drger on July 3, 2019 at 1:07 pm

    Julie, I’m so glad you were able to go and enjoy a few days for yourself. I’m also glad you’ve given the above tips. I do have a question. You stated that you pay about $1 per box. Where do you purchase those? And how do you figure your shipping costs? Thanks.

    • Julie Siomacco on July 4, 2019 at 9:14 pm

      I purchase from a local manufacturer.

  12. Kathleen K. on July 3, 2019 at 1:19 pm

    Thank you so much for this valuable information.

  13. Ruth Ann Brantley on July 3, 2019 at 6:13 pm

    Thank you so much for this helpful information. This really helps so much. Just starting out selling and this was great information. Thank you again.

  14. Darlene Brown on July 3, 2019 at 7:40 pm

    Thank you for being open about this. I get soooo discourages about this, I almost want to give up. I have a very hard time on Etsy getting things to sell. People love them but don’t want to pay. I was one of them. But I understand now. So I plan to sign up with Beautiful wreaths form Laura to help me with my shop.

  15. Gary Schoolcraft on July 3, 2019 at 7:45 pm

    Back in the early 80’s, I worked for a pastry shop. On the side I started baking and selling Birthday Cakes for coworkers and friends. I asked the owner what I should charge. He told me a good rule of thumb was to take the cost of supplies and add 85% to it.

  16. Alice on July 4, 2019 at 12:00 am

    Would you recommend a local place to purchase boxes in New Orleans area?

    • Julie Siomacco on July 4, 2019 at 9:12 pm

      I don’t live in LA so I can’t help you there.

  17. Gloria Polite on July 4, 2019 at 7:17 am

    Thanks Julie for all of the information on pricing wreaths , it is very helpful. Love all of your beautiful
    wreaths and floral designs.

  18. Lorrie Boone on July 5, 2019 at 10:10 am

    Thank you for this great info.
    One other suggestion for people who do craft shows … don’t forget to include your booth fee in your pricing. It’s hard to know how many you’ll sell but my better shows are more expensive, adding another $8-$10 to each wreath. One thing I do is to make several of what I call “Profit makers”. Things that cost under $10 to make that I can charge $45-$48 for. (E.g. witch hats / Santa Hats). That gives $35 profit each. Make sure to include the cost of your materials, as well. So, if my cost for a show is $350 then I need to sell at least 10 hats @ $45 to cover my show costs.

  19. Kris Bush on July 6, 2019 at 1:11 pm

    Honestly, I just want you to live next door! You are just the best…so honest, helpful, kind, thoughtful, pleasant…I could just go on…. Anyway, just had the need to tell you that. Thank you for all the advice and instructions you give and for just being you.

    • Julie Siomacco on July 6, 2019 at 11:05 pm

      Awe, you’re so sweet! I wish i lives next door too! We would be best wreath friends!!

  20. LILLIE KEETON on July 13, 2019 at 9:45 am

    Thanks so much for the information. I have just started selling but have made several wreaths for friends and family. Free of course. May I ask where to buy boxes to ship the wreaths? I have only sold one and I think the box I shipped it in weighed more than the wreath. Love your soothing voice and watch all your lives.

    • Julie Siomacco on July 14, 2019 at 3:18 pm

      Have you tried Amazon? If you plan to ship a ton, try Uline.

  21. Candy on July 25, 2019 at 1:27 am

    I am interested in selling on Esty. I tried to ship a wreath I made to a friend last fall It was a large wreath. My box was something like 35” by 35” by 8”. The shipping cost was something like $70 to a small community outside Austin, TX. How do you handle shipping costs? Are the rates better through Esty?

    • Julie Siomacco on July 28, 2019 at 9:12 am

      You can use a smaller shipping box, no larger than 24″.

  22. Candy Roby on July 25, 2019 at 11:05 pm

    I have a pending question about shipping costs. I checked today. The wreath I was trying to ship was 27” wide and 25” tall. My box I attempted to use was likely 30” by 30” by 8”. The cost quoted by USPS was about $65 from Shreveport to Austin. UPS was $70 when I was given the correct zip. Hope do you get a Roth’s high costs of shipping? Thank you for any advice you can offer.

    • Julie Siomacco on July 28, 2019 at 9:11 am

      Your box is too big. Smaller boxes, means smaller shipping. If you ship in the large boxes, make sure your customer pays.

  23. Leigh Ann Connell on August 15, 2019 at 12:43 pm

    You are the bomb diddly! I have watched and read a few other blogs, but you are the first to mention “batch” work. Batching is the only way I can function…in every aspect of my schedule., from lunch to laundry. Thank you for everything!

  24. Gloria on September 2, 2019 at 8:53 pm

    Amazon a good place to start, Uline among the more expensive.

  25. Nina lovejoy on September 11, 2019 at 2:09 am

    What if I have already sold some wreaths for a lower price , and people start wondering why my prices have went up

    • Julie Siomacco on September 11, 2019 at 2:39 pm

      We always raise our prices but you don’t have to do so fast. Do it gradually with each new season.

  26. Cherie on October 15, 2019 at 6:00 pm

    Hi, I’m looking for a ribbon wholesaler. Do you have any recs? I would like to find a source with more choices and better prices that Joanne, Hobby Lobby and Micheals! Thx, and would you please email answer back to me.,

    • Julie Siomacco on October 15, 2019 at 6:02 pm

      Yes. Lots of wholesalers out there and online retailers. I give a complete list in my
      wreath of the month club

  27. Sandra on November 14, 2019 at 9:28 am

    Hi Julie ! I have been following you for quite some time now Co seems like 6 years or more. And guess what? It’s my time to step out of my comfort zone. God is so Good! I love that you are a Christian. I have been making wreaths for over 10’ years , but for Family and friends. I started my business but have not moved forward with it. All my friends and family keep telling me I need to do this. I watched your you-tube video this weekend the one you filmed on how you first started – your story. Everything you said, I have felt and still feel. OMG. It was like I was telling my story. Then I watched Joel Olsteen this morning in my way to work and again God is sending me all kinds of messages to move forward with my business! I missed the Wreath convention (in NOLA) twice and promise not to miss another (2020). I joined your wreath of the month club, but not sure if my membership is there. How can I confirm? I have so many other questions I want to ask you. !!! Thank you for sharing your gift and opening up this possibility. Onward and upward.! Continue to be a blessing. Sandra

    • Julie Siomacco on November 18, 2019 at 10:59 am

      I don’t show a subscription using your yahoo email Sandra. You should try again or maybe you used a different email?

  28. Lydia on November 14, 2019 at 12:18 pm

    This was so helpful. I can appreciate the guidance. I am so glad I stumbled onto your YouTube and your webpage. I look forward to your beautiful designs. I am so happy you mentioned emotional… cause friends/family ask me all the time for crafts, wreaths, etc. but because of price quote, etc. They tend to say “Oh” and it makes me feel bad. But what they don’t realize is the time that it takes to make something beautiful and time away from other things such as family, etc.

  29. Margie on January 6, 2020 at 10:58 pm

    Hi Julie, First, I’d like to say that I love watching you create! Your tips and advice are appreciated. I’m a retired grandma (Mimi) and have rediscovered my love for creating during a lengthy recovery period after surgery. Since then, I have made numerous wreaths and made private group page on FB. Every wreath I’ve posted sold. I do not have a business license & wondered if I must get one to sell on Etsy. Right now I’m selling by word of mouth and in my private group. Your insight would be greatly appreciated.


    • Julie Siomacco on January 7, 2020 at 10:48 am

      No you do not need one to sell on Etsy but recommend checking with your state and county their requirements.

  30. Sharon Noel Werstler on January 14, 2020 at 3:31 pm

    Julie, Thanks so much for this post. Never considered doing the batch process but it makes a lot of sense and is a great idea. Could you pm me the name of your local box place? I live in the same state as you and was wondering if they would be close enough for me to get mine there as well.

    • Julie Siomacco on January 16, 2020 at 12:24 pm

      Corrugated Containers is the name of my supplier.

  31. Nicole on January 18, 2020 at 5:15 pm

    Hi Julie! Thank you so much for this information!

    I’m a newbie and really excited to start the wreath making journey. I had a question in regards to the sale price. When you say to include glue, wire, pipe cleaners, wooden or steel picks, ribbon, etc. do you include the full price that you paid for that product or do you somehow calculate only the amount you used on that particular wreath? I don’t want to make things more complicated than they need to be lol

    I appreciate your advice! Thank you!

    • Julie Siomacco on January 20, 2020 at 5:07 pm

      Depends. Full price on a glue stick but not for the whole pack.

  32. Cheryl Y Wright on February 5, 2020 at 11:22 am

    I’m new to your comment section, but thanks for the advice on pricing. It seems local businesses at home don’t talk much. Trying a Floral Design start-up business but It’s a long way off yet Will continue to follow your inspirations lol

  33. Barbara Combs on April 18, 2020 at 5:47 pm

    Where is a good place to get all the supplies needed to set up my wreath business? Glue skillet, cutting mat, bow measuring device, metal pick machine , easel, wire, grapevine, & cedar wreaths, and cute accessories for specific holidays and wired ribbon etc. Did you buy wholesale or retail & where did you get them from?? Appreciate your advice on where to shop. Thanks

  34. Bertha Payne on May 15, 2020 at 12:52 am

    Thanks for the tips Julie! I am just logging in. I have a few wreaths that I make recently that I want to sell but of course fear kicks in…. will they sell and are they good enough? Do you critique and give pointers sometimes? Thanks for your sharing your tips and expertise.

    • Julie Siomacco on May 15, 2020 at 12:34 pm

      Yes, in my wreath making of the month club.

  35. Christine Huff on May 16, 2020 at 6:53 am

    I have sold my wreaths at Art Shows at schools. When I price my wreaths for sale I found the buyers will pay between $55 to $100. Customers will not pay over $100 for a wreath even though they can see them in person rather than just photos. I noticed on your Etsy site and other business shops on Etsy who sell wreaths they sell wreaths well over $100 to $200 per wreath. Can you explain why customers are paying more on Etsy than in person? How is pricing so much more on Etsy and so successful?

    • Julie Siomacco on May 18, 2020 at 11:55 am

      Because the people in your area probably buy gas and milk for less than what people in another area of the US do. So their cost of living is already more and therefore, used to paying more for items.

  36. Jessica on May 24, 2020 at 1:14 pm

    Thank you! This has been so helpful. Could you explain how you price the ribbon used for wreath bows?

    • Julie Siomacco on May 27, 2020 at 7:25 pm

      charge by the yard used

  37. Russell on May 25, 2020 at 4:00 pm

    Do you only charge for the amount of ribbon you use? Or if you spend $10 on the ribbon and use most of it for that wreath you charge the full $10 in the supply category? If I only use half the spool do I only charge $5 in ribbon?

    • Julie Siomacco on May 27, 2020 at 7:24 pm

      You’re supposed to charge for the full roll but I can see why you might not want too at that price. If you don’t charge the whole roll, charge by the yard you use.

  38. Carol Grady on June 4, 2020 at 4:00 pm

    Thank you!! You have been upfront and very helpful,.. People have no idea the cost and time you invest in your wreaths.. I’m fairly new at making them, but again, thanks for sharing this with me..

  39. Sharon Cherry on July 18, 2020 at 1:29 pm

    Thank you Julie! You are a true blessing! May God continue to bless & guide you in all you do.?

  40. Belinda on August 4, 2020 at 10:19 pm

    Thank you very much I started recently trying to sell my wreaths. I would maje them for friends and give them away as gifts. Until my kids and husband said to sell them. I never considered it before. I enjoy making them and it’s become a hobby of mine. You given me a lot of good information that I didn’t know. Like how to price and sell. My only question I have is how would I price to ship? I went to several places like fed ex, ups, post office and the prices are high. You have any advice for me? Belinda

  41. Michelle Reid on August 20, 2020 at 7:27 pm

    I am new at making wreaths that people would actually pay me to make. Yet due to some life changes I am wanting to try. On your example of the cost of a wreath do you add 10.00-15.00 on the final total or is that added into the doubling of the cost of supplies to make the wreath itself?
    Also should a friend want to pay you for making a wreath and you can actually give it to them do you take away an amount from the total as well? So new at this but I’m looking to see what God may have in store for me doing something I enjoy. Also how do you subscribe to your website, etc.
    Thank you

    • Julie Siomacco on August 23, 2020 at 10:54 am

      I don’t understand the question. To pay yourself, that would be a labor and needs to be added at the end. If a friend wants a wreath and I can afford to give it to them, I give them a discount, never the wreath without paying for the expenses of making as well as my time.

  42. Esther Griffin on September 1, 2020 at 6:30 am

    Julie first thank you so so much in answering my question so quickly. I have struggled with this for a long time. So when I make a wreath I don’t use all the deco mesh or the ribbon so how do I figure that. When I buy ribbon I buy like 50 to 100 yards so how would I figure that. I just don’t want to cheat myself. Thank you for your help!!
    Esther Griffin

    • Julie Siomacco on September 2, 2020 at 1:09 pm

      Calculate the price per yard and multiply that by the number of yards you use.

  43. Connie sellers on September 5, 2020 at 5:41 pm

    Thank you Julie for sharing your wisdom and insight. I am new to wreath making and so glad I found your site on youtube. This information is awesome!

  44. Lisa on October 20, 2020 at 10:03 pm

    Thank you Julie,
    This was very helpful. I have to do as you say and take the emotion out of pricing. Is it possible for you to tell me where you get your boxes. Shipping and pricing have really kept me from attempting to turn my hobby into a business.

  45. Kimberly on October 21, 2020 at 12:37 am

    hello Julia, How do you price when you use clipping from a floral bunch? Like swags and you don’t use the entire bunch.

    • Julie Siomacco on October 21, 2020 at 11:00 am

      You can price per flower or for the whole bush, it’s up to you.

  46. Kathleen Tautznik on November 14, 2020 at 3:29 am

    Hi, Julie:

    Thank you for all of the helpful information you are giving us. I joined your Wreath of the Month Club and am learning a lot. After reading the above questions and and answers, I am a little confused on two things:

    You stated we do not add the state tax to wreaths we are shipping to another state. Do we charge our state’s tax or no tax. I have a tax ID number and need to know what I have to charge and if I have to remit the tax to my state.

    On the flat rate shipping you said the buyer should pay half of the price of the wreath and half of the price of the shipping. I don’t quite understand.

    Thanks for your help.


    • Julie Siomacco on November 24, 2020 at 11:28 am

      Check with your state. I only charge sales tax to those shipping within my state. Other states have Nexus but their dollar amount is usually very high to meet before charging tax for other states.

      Regarding shipping. If it costs $30 to ship. Put $15 (half) into the price of the wreath and charge $15 (the other half) as shipping

  47. timrodlady on November 16, 2020 at 4:12 pm

    Julie you said your boxes come from Corrugated Containers in Columbia. What size boxes do you use the most for medium to large size wreaths? Thanks for all the tips. Pricing has always been a problem for me too just as it is for many.

    • Julie Siomacco on November 24, 2020 at 11:25 am

      20″ square and 24″ square

  48. Lori George on December 1, 2020 at 6:55 pm

    Thank you so much for all this valuable information. You are awesome!

  49. Helen Wilkerson Hatcher on January 8, 2021 at 6:55 pm

    Hi Julie, I finally understand the formula, but how do you price the glue and where do you get your boxes from?

    • Julie Siomacco on January 12, 2021 at 4:54 pm

      Glue is priced by the stick and I get boxes from a local manufacturer. We give a complete list of online in our Success Circle Group

  50. Jamie Randall on July 16, 2021 at 12:31 pm

    Where do you get your shipping boxes for your wreaths so cheap

    • Taylor Tompkins on July 16, 2021 at 2:43 pm

      Julie gets her shipping boxes from a local store here in South Carolina. You can also purchase shipping boxes from office supply or mailing stores near you.

  51. Luana Turner on August 30, 2021 at 4:04 pm

    I came across this post while researching wreath making. Thank you so much for this information. Clear and to the point. I do have a question or two. Just getting started. Where/what is the best outlet to purchase supplies until you can buy them in bulk? How many items do you need to start an Etsy store? and is this the best place to begin selling online. I’m sure this is information you share in your group but I am not able to invest in joining at this time. As soon as I am financially able I will. I have found your blog, YouTube, and Website information to be extremely helpful. Thank You again

    • Julie Siomacco on August 31, 2021 at 6:59 am

      Hobby lobby or Michaels on sale, or the online shops I love

      Only need one item to start Etsy and that’s where you start to sell online

  52. Karla Bechtel on September 28, 2021 at 8:11 am

    I’ve just completed my first wreath. On pricing the mesh/ ribbon, how do I price if I didn’t use a full roll of ribbon

    • Julie Siomacco on September 28, 2021 at 9:09 am

      If you used more than half the roll, I would charge for the whole roll. If you used less than half, you can charge for half the roll or break it by number of yards used. It’s up to you. But if I use most the roll and can’t use the roll for another wreath, I charge for the full roll.

  53. Melissa on October 22, 2021 at 11:26 pm

    This was just shared in a group I’m in and I LOVE all in of your advice! There seems to be a big controversy over covering the back of a Wreath or not and how if so? What is your opinion on this?

    • Julie Siomacco on October 28, 2021 at 11:22 am

      No I never do. A florist wouldn’t cover it so I don’t. I only cover my mechanics. If you can see glue or a pick, I would cover that but never the whole wreath.

  54. taylor on December 14, 2021 at 9:27 pm

    Hey so I’m a 15 year old trying to help my dad but is there any possible way that there is a cheep way to get supply’s and to have people want to buy them? like is there any way that the wreaths would sell at like 10-20 dollars? this would mean so much to me if you could help me out

    • Julie Siomacco on December 16, 2021 at 3:16 pm

      If you buy from dollar store maybe but typically wreath supplies cost around $40. You should sell it 3 times the cost. So if you spend $20 sell it for $60. Also try using the rings that are so popular so you don’t decorate the whole wreath just some of it.

  55. Vicki on February 25, 2022 at 5:43 pm

    What about ribbon.? How do you calculate how much to charge for ribbon? Great description of what to charge BTW

    • Julie Siomacco on March 3, 2022 at 3:28 pm

      Ribbon would be included in the cost of the wreath.

  56. Vonita on April 19, 2022 at 5:29 pm

    Thanks so much for your info. I know I have been underselling my wreaths. Just getting ready to start with Etsy. Not finding a good price on wreath boxes at all, 4.09 the cheapest.

  57. Myrna on June 7, 2022 at 9:19 pm

    Julie. I love your advice and instructions. Reading thru the comments, I see women who are timid about charging. Go to a farmers market and talk to vendors. Nobody asks them or any store to lower their price. When you see wreaths online with prices over $100, some of that is shipping.
    I went to floral school and proud of my creations. You will have relatives and friends who wouldn’t hesitate to use a credit card for an expensive wreath but whine about your price. Be brave. There is no Free 99 here. Either you love it or not.

  58. Ashly Saldana on March 30, 2023 at 8:10 am

    Hello Julie, I love your work! I am just starting to make my own business (Simply Wreaths) and I’m struggling on where to sell my wreaths at? I used Facebook and sold like 6 wreaths and got alot of likes on my post, but past 2 weeks haven’t gotten anything. I currently stay at home with my 2 boys and are on a 1 house hold income. So I would love any advice you can give regarding where I can sell or make my own website that won’t cost so much? I stumbled across this hobby on accident and finally found something I love doing! Any advice would be greatly appreciated ?

  59. Christopher James McDonald on October 17, 2023 at 12:47 am

    Ok. So I have been thinking about making a few wreaths. I want to make one wreath that is a “Let It Snow” theme. Then another one with a Peppermint candy theme, and few other wreaths as well. My problem I am running into is that some the products I would be purchasing in order to make the wreaths, would be pretty expensive, causing it for me to charge such a very high price. I’m really not sure if people would actually buy my creations. For example, I want to purchase some garland that looks and feels like the real and natural greenery garland with the fake white snow on it and has the very “full garland” look for the “Let it Snow” wreath. I’m looking to buy the very high quality items for my wreaths. However, what I have been seeing online and elsewhere is that a garland is so incredibly expensive. A lot of times, those garland are close to, if not over $100 each!! And I haven’t even added the wreath frame, all of the picks and flowers, the ribbon, etc. Should I instead buy a wreath with that specific kind of greenery on it?? If I added everything up, my wreath would cost me about $300 to $400, and I would have to charge like anywhere $750 to over $1,100 for a 24″ wreath. I know people are not going to spend that much money for a wreath. So what am I doing wrong? Where can I cut costs to make it easier for people to actually buy my wreaths? I need to get my costs down so I can charge no higher than around $300 to $350, and those prices are seriously high. How can I do this without sacrificing too much on the quality??

    • Julie Siomacco on November 14, 2023 at 9:16 am

      Purchase wholesale

  60. Megan Wickham on August 11, 2024 at 12:57 am

    Thank you for this. I defi found the reading very very helpful. I honestly think you are the one I learned from on YouTube lol. I’m going to check as soon as I comment this. Although I don’t know that you’ll see it. Because I don’t know how old this article is lol. But the emotions part is hardest for me. I made my very first Halloween wreath the other day doing the curly method with mesh. If I sell it in all honesty I’m not selling it for much because there is a good amount of fraying, and no matter how much I trim off it just keeps fraying. So I’m thinking if I sell I’m only going to do like $15 or $20 especially because I’m a beginner. I don’t want people thinking I’m ripping them off. I also thought with it being a Halloween wreath maybe it gives it more life. I don’t know I’m undecided. I’m going to start my second one tomorrow morning sometime. Once I finish the second one, I’m considering making two options that way whomever the buyer is they can pick which one they like better.

  61. teresa evans on September 29, 2024 at 3:47 pm

    Hi Julie! Like so many I am new at selling. I have a background in banking/sales/customer service. I retired a year ago . Have been making wreaths for family and friends for years. I am ready to get started on a new adventure. I have my business plan, which for now is working with local retail gift shops in my area. One store has invited me to participate in a local craft show the day after Thanksgiving. I am building inventory. Your tutorials are inspiring, motivating and educational. I love the fact that some are fee based, but you also offer free advice. This tells me you are committed to your community. Thank you!!!!
    I would really like to take this a step further than local businesses. I think that online selling may be for me. I really can’t see myself committing to craft shows…maybe one or two a year. I am taking this slow. Here are my questions..
    1) Do I need a business license to buy wholesale or a vendors license? 2) I am confused about selling out of my state, ie…collecting sales tax. How does this work? 3 ) I see you have a list of wholesale companies, but before invest in purchasing….do they require to buy in bulk and if so could you give me an example of minimums? 4) Pricing my wreath…could you give me an example how you keep track of the cost of each item you purchase? If I buy a stem/pick and break it down for use in one wreath, but I do not use the whole item….do I charge for the entire stem or the cost of each piece I used. Pricing out each piece I used seems really cumbersome. Is there a better way?

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